Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year, New Writings

It has been long months since I wrote on this blog.  For once, perhaps my blog absence can be excused. My most recent post (if recent can be applied to a date four months prior) was written, as it were, not with a keyboard, but with my own blood (updating a Calvin quote).  I poured my heart into that piece, and in the long days, weeks, and months that have since followed, my heart has slowly healed. Luther once wisely said that this Christian life of ours is not health, but healing, and as time has passed since my mother's departure from this world of pain and entered into that eternal world of joy, I have come to embrace the open doors of opportunity ahead of me. At any rate, I can't help but think about, feel, and experience the world around me; writing these thoughts down helps me become a better thinker.

So then, I present my personal "Contract with America." I will write at least once a week, for every week, during 2011. Goals are as follows:
  • Continue to carefully ponder the forms of art of which I partake, focusing especially on movies (i.e., relaunching my "Spoiler-Free" series of film reviews) while attempting to review albums as well.
  • Re-launch my series of critical (as in, critical thinking) pieces on seminary and theological education - the ironically titled "Skool" series.
  • Write short stories and poetry, post them here, and get your feedback.
  • In the spirit and power of Dorothy Sayers, increase the "whimsey" of my writing. I want my words to float and enchant the way cotton-candy clouds play in the spring sky. Also, I want them to drop hail and lightening like the Phoenix monsoon-clouds of late summer.
That said... till next time.


At 9:01 AM , Blogger Rebecca Dennison said...

Welcome back Paul!


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