Friday, March 19, 2010


I flood my bed with tears,
All my fears,
Give me no rest.
My sorrow saps my strength,
For your love's sake,
Snatch me from death!

My tears in your bottle keep!
My God, I weep!
Count each toss and turn in bed,
Lift up my head!

O river, crystal bright,
Your streams make glad
Sweet 'Salem's land.
On either bank grow
Trees of life,
With fruit in kind.

Oh let me take a sip!
Or one drop drip,
Onto my tongue.
What do you say?
This stream swells up,
Inside my broken heart?

My tears in your bottle keep!
My God, I weep!
Count each toss and turn in bed,
Lift up my head!

I long to sit and rest,
In pastures best,
Close by your side,
But yea, this vale of death,
Shall prove still, yet
Your grace and might,

To think, I'll see your face,
Swap faith for eyes,
My hope, realized.
The curse will break,
And we shall reign,
A kingdom without end.

My tears in your bottle keep!
My God, I weep!
Count each toss and turn in bed,
Lift up my head!

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