Friday, June 09, 2006

489: Marvelously Helped Until...

I was reading in 2 Chronicles this morning about King Uzziah, the ruler who most Christians in America probably know as the guy who dies in verse 1 of a popular chapter of Scripture, Isaiah 6. King Uzziah was a real Renaissance man. We invented advanced weapon technology, he enjoyed the great outdoors, and Jerusalem prospered under his reign. All this came to a turning point, however, when he became powerful and conceited. The Holman Christian reads that he was "marvelously helped until he became powerful." I think that verse is true of me, too.

I got to Thailand no sweat, and until the past few days, I've had no problems adjusting. But I grew conceited in my mind, thinking, "Man, I'm really cut out for this," not "Wow, God made me to do this," or more accurately, "God is helping me." And now, I'm feeling it, the python squeeze of culture stress. It isn't full blown culture shock, fortunately, it's just a lot of little things. I'm sick and tired of seeing spirit houses (shrines) on every piece of property. I'm tired of being living alone in my apartment, and wandering campus alone. During our trip to Pattaya, yesterday, we passed out evangelistic materials in a red light district and that too is wearing on me.

Please pray for me friends. Pray that I will persevere through this momentary and light affliction, but more so, pray that I will pursue humility. Pray that God will get me through all this, but more so, pray that His kingdom come and His will be done in Thailand as it is in heaven.


At 2:25 AM , Blogger michael said...

"In the Year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, and his robe filled the Temple."

I have to memorize Isaiah 6:1-8 because it is the theme verse for Zona this year, only got the first one down though.

At 4:11 AM , Blogger Bolo said...

I've been reading through C.J. Mahaney's book on humlity for the past couple of weeks, off and on. While I was at home, I was reading through a portion where I caught myself thinking, "hurry up, C.J., get to the good stuff...I know all of this about Jesus...make me excited!"

When I pondered what I was thinking and my motivation for reading, I realized that the very things I was having a hard time reading were the very things I really needed to read. In other words, I needed some humbling.


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