Thursday, February 09, 2012

Coming Soon to a YA Book Section Near You

While placing a delicious dish in the oven - well, it was tater tots, albeit Trader Joe's ones - I noticed that one of my roommate's baking stones was broken and a large piece of it was laying in the back of the oven. I thought, man, that shard must be flaming hot. (I had already preheated the oven.) I then realized that The Flaming Shard is the perfect title for a "paranormal romance" "book."

On second thought, maybe it should be a "saga." It could be set in a high school. Or a boarding school. Possibly in Oregon or British Columbia.  I think the flaming shard itself will be some powerful thing that some evil vampires want to get. Maybe they're fighting werewolves. Why don't orcs go to school? I digress.

Book one of The Flaming Shard will be The Dazzling Eyes. Book two will be The Perfect Hair. Book three will conclude the saga with The Burning Heart. As to further plot details, who needs that?!?

I'll let you know when the book signing at Borders is. First step: find a Borders.


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